Can I Sue a Police Department? | Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP
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Can I Sue a Police Department?

In New York, a Police Department may be held accountable for an individual officer’s actions. The basis for finding and holding the Police Department themselves responsible is under a legal theory that law enforcement negligently hired, trained or failed to train police officers and or inappropriately retained the individual officers that were involved in police misconduct

Police officers have strict guidelines that they must use in carrying out their duties. When individual police officers act outside of these duties or engage in conduct that has been specifically identified by the Police Department as prohibited a Police Department may be legally responsible.

These are examples of situations where an individual’s Constitutional rights have been violated. Importantly, any individual that has an interaction with the police should always remember that the Police Department CANNOT violate their civil rights. There are many instances where a lawsuit against a Police Department is completely appropriate.

Examples of Misconduct That Warrants a Police Department Lawsuit

Examples of Police Department behavior that may ultimately rise to the level of misconduct include: 

  • False arrest and imprisonment
  • Perjury by individual police officers
  • Police brutality
  • Physical abuse
  • Unreasonable searches and seizures
  • Sexual abuse
  • Excessive force

Police Department Negligence

Malignant cultures in Police Departments contribute to the breakdown of the rule of law and erode public trust in the institutions of law enforcement. As such, it is critical that we hold Police Departments accountable for their actions and inactions that contribute to individual police officer’s misconduct.

It is reasonable for the public to expect proper oversight over officers, that thorough background checks be performed before a police officer is hired, that police officers with a history of false arrests, discrimination and excessive force be relieved of their duties, and that all officers are given proper training before they are sent out into our streets. It is only when Police Departments of this state are doing the above the public is protected and served by these Police Departments. 

Help Suing a Police Department in New York

The police department misconduct attorneys at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP have the resources to sue police departments and hold these departments responsible for their actions.

Attorneys at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP handle a wide variety of cases against police departments. Our police misconduct attorneys are committed to helping victims who have had their civil rights violated  and will sue police departments and police officers.

Our firm’s motto is “Don’t Be A Victim Twice”.  If you are a victim of police misconduct or police brutality, call 1-800-VICTIM2 (1-800-842-8462) to schedule a confidential consultation. The call is free. The consultation is free. You don’t pay us unless we are successful.  That’s our “Our Fee Guarantee – No Fee Unless Successful”.

Contact us if you need help demanding justice from the police.